"Mango plantation needs a good amount of time to grow and a lot of effort. Choosing the right variety of specimens that best suits my zone, positioning, or planting at a place where it will receive enough sunlight to grow, watering the plants to keep the roots – HEORwel shared these tips to me. I am obliged for teaching me the tricks of the trade.
What People Say
Manoj Dvurri
“We approached HEORwel to plan and execute a crop in our land. They suggested a wide variety of crop and watermelons is one among them. We thought they are tough to grow and maintain. Surprising this fruit, grow like vines. They require good space to spread themselves, water, and enough sunlight.
Sravan Kumar Muppala
“Chilies grow well in containers and open lands equally. We knew growing chilies was easy, but what are the specific needs to have a flourishing crop was taught by HEORwel.
Vijay Raj
“There are many tips over the internet on how to grow tomatoes successfully. But you need expert advice who follow permaculture principles that concentrate on growing healthier vegetables by tackling big issues. Many thanks to HEORwel for giving me the satisfaction of producing of my choice.
Narayana P
“Stepwise procedure from planting the seed, plant care, farming, a complete guide to grow the best quality teakwood along with the field experts throughout the process is what HEORwel offered me. All I had to do was to walk to their office and explain about my land and ideas.